Museo della vite e del vino

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Grape and Wine Museum

The wealth of experience and discovery of the rural culture kept alive with heart-felt passion.

Agriturismo La Tosa

In memory of the father

Honour the sense of the past and enhance memory, especially that of Fernando Pizzamiglio, Stefano and Ferruccio’s father.
Il bottaio
Barolo Contratto
Il Vivaio

to preserve

Il vivaio
La cantina
La cantina

A story of commitment and dedication

hrough images, impressions, papers and instruments used in winegrowing and wine production, the Museum tells the story of two brothers – Stefano and Ferruccio – driven by the desire to share the rich personal collection of objects and documents begun in 1988. Fil rouge of the story is the passion and hard work which have brought them to turn La Tosa into a well-known and established farm in the local area.

with vivid passion.

Culture which is handed down

Since 1988, more than 400 objects have been collected – dating from between the early 19th century and the early 20th century – connected to local winemaking and arranged according to an itinerary divided by process and enriched by captions, explanations, illustrations, videos, moving images and sound backgrounds.
Il bottaio
Barolo Contratto
Il Vivaio

the wealth of experience.

Il vivaio
La cantina
La cantina

Co-existence of tradition and innovation

Over time, methods and equipment have become refined; some operations have become less tiring thanks to new technologies; scientific analyses support more traditional empirical and subjective evaluations. Yet, the wine production process has remained the same, and the mechanised procedures like grape pressing strive to restore the care and precision which only the expert hand of the artisan winegrower is able to guarantee.

and discoveries.

For progress

Take firm hold of the memory of a world which has disappeared and spread its knowledge; draw on past information, experience and intuitions which are useful for the present and better planning for the future. This is the meaning behind the Grape and Wine Museum, the only one in Emilia-Romagna to focus on this theme.
Il bottaio
Barolo Contratto
Il Vivaio

of rural culture.

What makes the Museum stand out is not only its uniqueness in terms of themed reality in the region, but above all the ‘library’’

The museum library is a concentrate of close to 1100 volumes on winemaking, documents belonging to the period between the 14th and 20th century including manuscripts, notices, posters, maps and cabrei (ancient cadasters).